Fixing a Bad Credit Report
A bad credit report causes your credit score to reflect a negative debt policy. This lower score causes you the inability to buy things that you need or want. You may not deserve this report for a variety of reasons that can be fixed. When you buy an item from a rent-to-own place as an example and you ask for a certain pay day but their computer systems requires you to pay a day or two before this may get reported on your credit report as slow pay. The slow pay often causes your credit score to drop. The manager who operates the local store tells you not to worry he knows that you will be in on a certain day and of course he does not call. The corporate office only knows what is put into the computer which shows your two days late sending off a bad credit report. In order to fix this first, have the local manager contact the main office getting them to put a letter in your report stating that this is the error of the local store for not setting up the right pay date. Secondly, find out how much more you would need to pay in order to have your pay date set up to a new date that fits within your budget to pay. Then do follow up to make sure that you are no longer in the reporting credit agencies as a slow pay.
You might have a bad credit report because of a lay-off in ability to pay for an item in the time period required. Then you should make an agreement with the creditor to pay off the bill asking for an extension of pay or even asking if you pay less would they defer late fees and interest charges. After you made a pay arrangement make sure that a copy of this is put into your credit report. This will help to fix your credit report in order to give you a better score. You should check your credit report periodically to make sure that you are not being charged with a debt that you do not even owe. Often a bad credit score is reflecting a bill that is not yours which gives you a bad credit report.
You will need to immediately start to fix the problem. You can take several steps to clear up the issue but start by putting a letter in the reporting credit bureaus that this is not your bill. Afterwards you will need to get as much information as possible about the bill before you can proceed to get the situation taken from your credit report. It is always advisable to have a good credit report and remember, having a good credit report helps with your future interest rates. Keep up with your credit and make sure your credit report is not a bad one and if a problem arises take steps to fix it so that you will not have a bad credit report.