Tips to Eliminate Having Bad Credit History Cards
Credit history could generally dictate your future. It is checked when applying for a new job, mortgage for your home or financing for your car. Not being able to manage your credit card accounts is detrimental to getting a good credit score. Educating yourself on how to avoid bad credit history cards is important in rebuilding your credit score, and eventually maintaining it at a respectable level.
The first thing you need to remember is not to apply for too many credit card accounts. Having too many available credits is tempting and you may end up spending way too much than what you are earning. Besides, having those open accounts is a great fraud risk. The maximum number of credit cards you can have is five. If you want more credit, it is better to request for a credit limit increase on your current accounts.
Keeping you balances to a maximum of only 70% of your credit line will help you improve your credit score. Credit card companies usually reports to the credit bureaus the next business day after your billing cycle ends. To avoid bad credit history cards, keep track of your balances. If possible, keep all the receipts for your charges and make it a habit to review your statements. And be sure to have the balance at 70% before your statement ends.
The most important of all, is to make your payments on time. If you have multiple accounts, choose the most convenient due date for you, taking into consideration the date when you get paid. For you to easily remember your due dates, have your lenders change them to fall on dates close to each other. Your payment history is the greatest factor in getting a high credit score.
To prevent bad credit history cards during financial hardship, call each lender at least a week before the due date and inform them of your situation. Most credit card companies can extend hardship assistance to their clients. If your situation is serious, seek help from a non-profit credit counsellor. Being in dire financial strait shouldn’t keep you from maintaining a good credit score.
Credit bureaus give out free credit reports once per year. Thoroughly review the reports. If you find any discrepancy, call the credit bureau that reflecting the error. They would usually give you information on how to correct the mistake. Do not wait for a loan rejection from a financial institution before taking the necessary actions. Correcting bad credit history cards with a credit bureau may take up to 35 days. If you are requesting the lender to do the works for you, it may take up to 90 days.
Eliminating bad credit history cards is not as hard as it sounds. All it takes is responsibly handling your credit card accounts. You need not worry about the complexity of how your credit score is computed. The secret to having a good credit history is not taking out more credits than you can deal with. The lesser credit cards you have, the easier for you to manage it.