Advantages And Disadvantages Of Seeing Your Free Credit Report Online
The advantages of seeing your free credit report online may seem vast at a first glance. However, in order to get these reports, you have to give out your credit card details, which may make you feel pretty apprehensive. Additionally, if you already receive a free report, you might wonder if that is good enough-if it is really necessary for you to also sign up for a free credit report online. When you really look at these websites, you will realize that there are advantages of seeing your free credit report online. The advantages of seeing your free credit report online include being able to see your credit report whenever you like. You can view it just before you go to bed and when you wake up to see how your score has improved. Another advantage of seeing your free credit report online is that you don’t have to wait for your annual report to come through the letterbox. This is important if you are planning to repair your credit rating-and want periodic updates to see if the steps you are taking will work.
There are also other advantages of seeing your free credit report online. Some people are put off by having to enter their credit card details. But with these online companies, you know that your details with be entered and processed through a secure server. This lets you know that your details are in the safest hands. There are many advantages of seeing your free credit report online and the above examples are just a few reasons why many people are using the online service of checking their free credit reports online. Some websites are boasting that they have over 14 million customers. Whether all these people are happy remains to be seen. But if you sign up and do not like the service, you can always cancel your account with a few clicks of the mouse.
There seem to be as many disadvantages as advantages to seeing your free credit report online. The disadvantages of seeing your free credit report online include the fact that you will have to pay a company if you wish to view your credit report online. So you are in effect paying to view something that is yours, which often does not seem fair. Other disadvantages of seeing your free credit report online include the simple fact that you get an annual credit report anyway. The annual report is free, too, so why bother filling out forms and surveys and giving out sensitive information to obtain a “free” credit report that essentially gives you the same information as your annual one?
This is a big disadvantage of seeing your free credit report online; of course, the companies will try to counter that by offering you other incentives, but some of these incentives are not worth the price. More disadvantages of seeing your free credit report online include the use of a credit card to even see your credit report. We all understand that this is the best way to verify yourself and to confirm that you are who you say you are. But there must be other ways to become a member without the use of a credit card. Maybe they can think about these for the future.
When deciding if you want to view your credit report online, you must weigh out the advantages and disadvantages of seeing your free credit report online. You have to remember that it is only free for 30 days; after that, you will have to start paying to use the website. If you are not concerned about your credit score, then you won’t need this service; and it will probably be a bigger hassle than it is worth. Instead you will be better off with your annual report that you receive from a credit-reporting agency. At least you wont have to fill out mountains of forms and enter into contracts to obtain it.