Free Credit Report UK: Make the Most of the Opportunity
The financial institutions use your free credit report UK whenever you apply to them for credit cads, loans, or mortgages and by other companies when you apply for any product or service and that requires you to sign up for some form of credit such as mobile phone contract. You can now have instant access to get your free credit report online as well. All these companies determine your credit score by knowing about your current credit rating and they will determine this by using your credit score. They calculate it by using their own company formula using information on your credit history and current credit status from a copy of your credit report. Checking your credit report from one of the three credit reference agencies in the UK is also involved in credit check. All these gather relevant credit and personal ID information about you to create your credit file.
If you do not get the loan or credit you applied for and fail a credit check, it would not be told to you about why or which credit reference agency was used. But you can find out the reason behind the refusal of your application having a look over the details held on your credit report. You can get the loans or credit you want and that you will get a better rate of interest if you will have a higher credit score as compared to what you would have got if your credit rating were lower. Therefore it is required for you to get a copy of your free credit report UK from each of the three credit reference agencies and it should not be assumed that if one is correct that the others will be correct.a